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"Stimulates skin cells to renew. Affordable and works like crazy!"
The strength of the Rosenberg Skin Clinic skin brand is built on the 4 PCHP elements: peeling, collagen stimulation, hydration and protection. Its success lies in infusions that are present in high concentrations such as AHA glycolic acid, Hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, E, and olive extract. Natural ingredients with dermatologically proven results.
Result: within a few days the skin will shine! Every week is a big step towards a pure skin, fresh with a great healthy complexion. After 6 weeks, pores will be smaller, wrinkles and pigment spots will fade away and the skin feels firmer.
Special, for every skin problem is an ingredient included! The active ingredient against oily skin, does not dry out the skin but regulates sebum production and thus also works on dry skin. Bio-active ingredients, including those from the tea tree and squalenes, have the ability to fight Cutibacterium Acnes (acne), the Demodex mite (Rosacea) and cell oxidation (skin aging). Also for the "normal" skin these bio-active substances offer protection: "Cell renewal is the breakthrough in skin improvement!
Do you have any questions? We have the free WhatsApp helpdesk for you on 0653 276 070. Also on You Tube skin specialist Jacqueline Rosenberg from Blaricum has her own channel.